The human being as a coach

The human being as a coach

A coach, a teacher, a supervisor, a helper, a researcher…
With coaching you guide a person through difficult issues in his or her life.
With coaching you help someone to find the right answers.

A coach asks questions, why do you do what you do? What problems or issues do you want to address? A coach listens to the answers and, together with you, looks for the core. If you always keep doing what you’ve always done, everything will stay the way it always was.

I work from my feeling, from inner strength. Everyone possesses deep down the possibilities and qualities to develop in a positive way.
Sometimes this is just tucked away so deeply that you need help to get back to yourself. When you go on this adventure with me and the dogs, you will experience peace. We go back to our feeling.

Together we look at your past. Together we look forward to your future. You can’t change your past, but you can change your future!
I help you to face obstructive thoughts or fears. Where do they come from, why are they there? From your inner strength you will gain insights why you sometimes act the way you do. I guide you step by step in your process, so that insights are gained and you find suitable solutions for yourself.