Services – Courses

Services – Courses

Services – Courses

Puppy course

When registering, the dog owner must be in possession of a valid vaccination certificate for the dog. Dog owners always train with their dog in the practice at their own risk. For underage students, an adult must be the guarantor/be present. The dog must look neat and tidy.

Every student is present at least 5 minutes in advance, with the dog on a leash.

All advice given during the course is based on years of experience and training. However, they remain advice, Praktijk Natascha Convents ~ Coaching with dogs cannot be held liable for any undesirable consequences of the application of the advice. The owner of the dog remains liable at all times for the well-being and behaviour of his dog.


Rock and water training

Practice Natascha Convents ~ Coaching with dogs has successfully completed the basic Rock and water training. I have several years of experience teaching in Secondary Special Education. I am familiar and experienced with students with additional educational needs and I can respond well to this.

During the training we treat each other with mutual respect and trust. We practice in a safe place and together we are responsible for a great lesson.

Practice Natascha Convents ~ Coaching with dogs cannot be held liable for any undesirable consequences of the applications of the training. The client remains responsible for his or her own behavior.